Nutritional Health Restoration, Inc.

Helping your body repair itself and restore normal function
by providing proper nutrition


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What does NRT® cost?  Initial visit costs $300 ($150 if you mention this web site), plus any supplements you may purchase, due upon completion of the initial visit. Any unopened supplements with a receipt can be returned for a refund per our return policy. After the initial visit, periodic check-ups cost $75 per visit. Cost of the whole-food supplements are additional, and vary from case to case, average is about $120 per month. (The sicker you are, the more supplements you may need initially, but typically reduce as your health improves). We work with you to develop a program that meets your health goals while staying within your budget.
  2. How should I prepare for my initial visit?  First, fill out the surveys & questionnaire you download from this website to the best of your abilities. Next, wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing. Finally, please bring whatever medications, vitamins & supplements you are presently taking, (max 15 per visit).
  3. How long does an NRT® office visit take?  Plan on spending 60 minutes on the initial visit, and another 10 minutes filling out paperwork, if you do not download the paperwork from the web and fill it out in advance.  Periodic check-ups also take 30 minutes.  1 hr. appointments are available upon request. ($150)
  4. How fast will I get better?  That depends on the severity of your malnutrition. The products we use are food, not drugs, so they tend to work in a gentle, gradual manner. Typically people begin to feel some form of improvement in the 6 to 12 week timeframe.
  5. I’m already taking vitamins & shopping at health food stores, why should I consider NRT®?  In that case, you've already taken the first step in taking charge of your own health. However, if you are like most of us, you are taking what you (or someone else) thinks you should be taking. NRT® asks your body what (and how much) it wants and needs. (most supplements are merely chemicals or ground-up rocks, whereas we use whole-food & herbal supplements in our practice).
  6. There are so many vitamin manufacturers out there, why do you use Standard Process?  Standard Process is the leader in whole-food natural food supplements, that are neither fractionated nor synthetic. They have a full line of products and excellent support network that permits us to focus on our core mission, which is helping you achieve full health. Check them out at
  7. I’m interested, but I don’t live in south-east Michigan?  Call us anyway. We will do our best to put you in contact with an NRT® practitioner in your area.